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no good sequencers these days?
no good sequencers these days?

I am having some real trouble finding a set up I am happy with.. I wondering anyone can help.

Seems the only decent sequencer on the market might be the OXI but its £600!!!!

I want the standard midi channel number which is 16, already there is barely anything on the market with this these days, I keep saying these days because in the 90's this was standard. And yes I do have a qy70 but its very unintuitive, has no backlight, not made for live jamming or live composition (if you are playing you cannot press record, you have to stop then hit record then play).

Novation circuit can only sequence a few external instruments, same with the mc 101. I have the mc 707 but that is limited to 8, its huge and I will need a external chromatic keyboard anyway making it all too cumbersome.

See I want decent keys on it really to cut back on all the kit I will have to carry, but again this is sorely lacking on all sequencers.

The keystep/behringer swing can only sequence 1 track at a time making it entirely useless, a shame as it was promising, affordable and reasonably easy to carry.

Oh and also the amount of steps is a factor for me, 128 would be nice but only the mc 101 and mc 707 and oxi appear to have that.

The Korg SQ-64 again is very limited, only 3 melody tracks and one percussion? I mean maybe that would work, but why doesn't it have 16 as this is the midi standard? Also my drum synths take up a whole midi channel per voice, I have the volca drum synth and the elektribe cycles, would be 12 midi channels taken up. Unless one track on the korg can trigger multiple midi channels.

Is it just me or are all the sequencers on the market severely lacking in some way?

Found another one, poly end play: and poly end seq. Hmmm...

My ideal one would probably be a bit like the keystep/behringer swing, but with switchable 16 tracks assigned to the 16 midi outputs, with a bunch of the sequencing tools we come to find normal like chain function and stuff, needs a few pads for percussion.. A little screen to see the actual note data and be able to edit that.. I guess one of those old skool work stations sounds about right? They all seem huge and heavy and are very pricey but will look into that more.

Yes I can sense you probably thinking why not just go with the laptop and a controller. And I have been so tempted as this would simplify everything. But tbh I hate using the laptop, I hate staring at the screen, I want direct access to the devices hardware without going into menus. So I want a few individual external devices to play with and I have those. Just want the heart of it all.

At the moment I am contemplating a behringer swing plus using the electribe 2 as a sequencer. Just annoying that this adds two chunky devices to the mix to have to carry, power, plug in, more cables, more weight to carry. The Electribe 2 is VERY heavy for the size, its solid metal. I guess that is ok, its literally as heavy if not more than the mc 707 which is twice as large!!

I see sonicware are going to release a small handheld sampler, sequencer later this year:

This actually has a screen and you can see the note data! Wow why does nothing have this hahah. NOTHING has this. Even the mc 707 which is fully capable and also has a decent little screen. The qy70 has this, so why nothing else?!

I am at a loss as to why all these sequencers have such huge flaws or missing features. It seems to easy and obvious what we need. But no one is making it. At least Sonicware seem to want to make versatile useful things that are not so niche.

Anyway if anyone has any ideas to throw into the mix I would love to see, before I fork out 600 on this damn OXI haha..

I forgot to mention that at the moment I am just syncing up the instruments I have and using their internal sequencers, which I will stick with until I get something better going on. Obviously there are severe limitations using their own internal sequencers.


submitted by /u/Hobbo_wizard
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