Vortex Sound Research
Wes Audio update ngBusComp plug-in - Printable Version

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Wes Audio update ngBusComp plug-in - SynthWizard - 05-28-2024

Wes Audio update ngBusComp plug-in

<span id="styles-14-0" class="styles file-styles medium"> <img width="918" height="599" id="14" typeof="foaf:Image" src="https://dt7v1i9vyp3mf.cloudfront.net/styles/medium/s3/imagelibrary/w/wes_audio_ngbuscomp_update-C9onPMGTbvP73EZ5cqUT66UcKRKWBJZ..jpg" alt="Wes Audio ngBusComp plug-in remote-controlled hardware analogue bus compressor" title="" /></span> <p>Wes Audio have announced the launch of a new control plug-in for the ngBusComp that sports a sleek new user interface and also introduces some improved functionality. </p>
