Vortex Sound Research
Oberheim TEO-5 polysynth released at Superbooth - Printable Version

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Oberheim TEO-5 polysynth released at Superbooth - SynthWizard - 05-19-2024

Oberheim TEO-5 polysynth released at Superbooth

<span id="styles-7-0" class="styles file-styles medium"> <img width="2000" height="1187" id="7" typeof="foaf:Image" src="https://dt7v1i9vyp3mf.cloudfront.net/styles/medium/s3/imagelibrary/o/oberheim_teo-5_ls-7FecKBfKjmcY6yMUKgQqjpAthNHUxQRS.jpg" alt="Oberheim TEO-5" title="" /></span> <p>Bearing the initials of company founder Thomas Elroy Oberheim, this compact synthesizer has been designed to offer a perfect blend of classic analogue warmth and modern versatility.</p>
