Vortex Sound Research
The Boss TE-2 is an AMAZING synth pedal - Printable Version

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The Boss TE-2 is an AMAZING synth pedal - SynthWizard - 09-05-2022

The Boss TE-2 is an AMAZING synth pedal

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>I see so many of the same synth FX pedals over and over like the Strymon blue/big sky or timeline... so much space and so much money, for FX that sound like everyone else. Don't get me wrong, they sound good, but they don't have any character IMO. Yesterday I took a calculated risk and bought a used Boss TE-2 &quot;Tera Echo&quot;. I rarely ever hear anyone mention this pedal... and honestly, for a guitar pedal it's pretty weird and kind of a specific sound. </p> <p>But holy cow, for synths! This just might be the perfect compact FX pedal for my synth rig! Stereo I/O and this thing boasts a reverb/delay combo that is truly other worldly. It's not a space echo, it's more alien than that. Tera Echo is a fitting name once you hear it. I've been running a separate reverb pedal RV-6 and delay pedal DD-8... sometimes with a CE-2... and it's a bulky chain on the desk. While those pedals sounded nice, they just didn't scratch the ear itch I've been feeling. The TE-2 has some strange demos and after finding one used for about $120 on Reverb... I figured it was worth the risk. I'm so glad I did! This is gonna be one of those pedals that everyone wants about 2 years after the discontinue it because no one even realizes it exists. Spacious and spiraling... from lush to sterile... Wide and warm to tight and crystallized... The Tera Echo is what I've always wanted in a synth pedal and ever knew it.</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/guitarokx"> /u/guitarokx </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/x68cix/the_boss_te2_is_an_amazing_synth_pedal/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/x68cix/the_boss_te2_is_an_amazing_synth_pedal/">[comments]</a></span>