Vortex Sound Research
Help a new guy in music - Printable Version

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Help a new guy in music - SynthWizard - 09-08-2019

Help a new guy in music

<!-- SC_OFF --><div class="md"><p>Hi guys,</p> <p>So for all my life I've been listening to music and enjoying it but I never learned to play an instrument. Which I really regret now.</p> <p>I'm 24 years old and tomorrow my own very first keyboard will arrive. After doing some research, and along with my small budget, I decided to buy a Yamaha NP-12 BK. It comes in a set with a pedal, stand and headphones which I hope will suffice for me to start learning.</p> <p>&#x200B;</p> <p>I wanted to ask you what are the best sources online for practicing and what are the main things I should be focusing on now since I do not have a clue about playing the keyboard or reading music sheets. </p> <p>I bought it because I know it will motivate me to continue, and this is something I have to do in my life. Learn to play.</p> <p>&#x200B;</p> <p>What are your thoughts on learning software? Some YouTube channels that could help? Some websites perhaps? Or maybe some books that will give me a good intro? Should I take classes immediately or practice first and then when I get stuck go see a professional? </p> <p>I want to practice mostly by myself since classes are quite expensive here in Croatia, and as I said my budget is not really good.</p> <p>&#x200B;</p> <p>Every advice is much appreciated.</p> <p>&#x200B;</p> <p>Thank you good people.</p> <p>Wish me luck! :-)</p> </div><!-- SC_ON --> submitted by <a href="https://www.reddit.com/user/CantHOLD23"> /u/CantHOLD23 </a> <br/> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/d1d2pe/help_a_new_guy_in_music/">[link]</a></span> <span><a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/synthesizers/comments/d1d2pe/help_a_new_guy_in_music/">[comments]</a></span>